Erin Hively
As SimplyConvert's Marketing Director, Erin Hively is responsible for conceptualizing and executing marketing strategies and tactics that drive growth. She helps lead overall brand awareness and messaging in the marketplace. Hively led marketing for Garretson Resolution Group (now Epiq) for more than 11 years and helped drive the legal service provider’s growth in the single event and mass tort markets. She most recently served as Marketing Director, Medicare Mandated Communications, for Anthem, Inc.

We've updated our pricing to better align with your business
What changed Previously we charged a flat fee for each quality chatbot engagement and an additional fee for each engagement that signed a contract. As of this month, SimplyConvert..

Texas Freeze Litigation
More than 4 million customers lost power during below-freezing weather in February 2021 due to the negligence of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the entity that..

Live chat to chatbot: 3 reasons you won’t regret making the switch
What started as a solution to keep the virtual office lights on 24/7 for many law firms has turned out to be an inefficient and ineffective way to interact with prospective..