BSA Survivor Assistance
Justice is overdue for Boy Scout sexual abuse survivors. Maximize your clients' recovery with help from SimplyConvert.
SimplyConvert can help your firm prepare today so that you can take action the moment the claims review process is announced.
Developed by a team of lawyers, sex abuse trauma specialists, and award-winning legal technology developers, SimpleConvert's Boy Scout TDP Quantifier™, paired with our Trauma-Informed Client Outreach service offering and tech-forward Claim Form Population process, ensures that every detail of every survivor's story is properly captured and applied to maximize their settlement value.

The Technology: Boy Scouts TDP Quantifier™
The TDP Quantifier™ takes the data points from each client's story, applies logic derived from the attorney-review of the Trust Distribution Procedures (TDP), and calculates settlement value according to the TDP. Note that this report should not be relied on for actual settlement valuations; it is an interactive tool useful in understanding how the TDP scaling factors affect each survivor.

The Team: Trauma-Informed Client Outreach
Our specially trained team of professionals skillfully navigate and document conversations, allowing survivors to share their experiences at their own pace. Our 100% U.S.-based team ensures that the client's emotional well-being is the top priority and special care is taken to not trigger further distress. Our goal is to enable survivors to feel heard, validated, and supported as they seek justice.

The Tech-Forward Process: Claims Form Population
SimplyConvert's responsive BSA Trust Claim Form Questionnaire is designed to maximize BSA survivor claims. Our proprietary technology transforms raw client information into actionable insights. Gone are the days of manually populating PDF fact sheets. Every data point is properly captured and stored, ready to automatically populate any format ultimately required for the Settlement Trustee filing.
Mass Torts 360™ offers you the flexibility to do it yourself or engage our expert team:
Self-Service Model
Manage your BSA cases on SimplyConvert's Mass Torts 360™ platform.
Mass Tort Subscription
Self-Service Model
Manage all your cases on SimplyConvert's Mass Torts 360™ platform.
Full-Service Model
Engage our team to reach out to your clients and build complete data profiles on SimplyConvert's Mass Torts 360™ platform.
Learn more, discuss pricing, and get started:
Watch the technology in action:
Interested in how SimplyConvert can help with your Boy Scouts of America abuse cases?